Your first assignment for the course: a brief discussion/analysis of Walkabout. Below are several questions; please read and consider all of them as we will refer back to them when we discuss Walkabout's influence upon later examples of Australian Cinema.
Please write between 500-800 words on any ONE of the following questions. You may email this to me at amberapple _at_ gmail.com. This is due before class on Thursday, September 18th.
1. Explore some of the symbolic representations of the nature vs. culture dichotomy present in the film.
2. How does the sound design impact the film's narrative?
3. How do issues of sexuality function in the film? (You may choose to narrow this to one example)
4. In what ways does the film suggest a mystical connection humans and animals? How does it portray a mystical connection to the past and/or to the concept of time itself? How in other words, how does the film explore the concept of the "dreamtime" of Aboriginal mythology?
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