Thanks to everyone who has already sent in their responses. Keep them coming! 500-800 words is not much space, so be clear and focused with your ideas. Responses need not include any cited reference works. Feel free to refer to the Gibson article, however, or other sources that seem relevant.
I still do not have my computer back up and running, so responding to email for the next couple of days will be sporadic. Your next response assignment will be for Picnic at Hanging Rock. This will be due before class next week. This film deals with issues of landscape and symbolism, class difference (gentry versus working class), mateship (which we'll discuss in class more fully soon), and gender an sexuality. For this portion of the course, you may want to focus on the depiction of landscape in the film, and its connection to sexual innocence and initiation. But there are many other lines of inquiry to focus on in your response.
I can post some more specific discussion points after everyone has seen the film.
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